Comments on 02 472 1647

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0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on 02 472 1647


Posted on May 22, 2018
Caller type: Call centre
Location: New Zealand
Caller: A rude, obnoxious, annoying man

I have had several calls over the last few months from some kind of "asset investment firm" - I never catch the quickly-spoken business name.

The most recent call, I said I wasn't interested, and asked to be removed from their calling list. The person then started being abusive, telling me that he doesn't want to sell me anything, wants us to "make money". I asked him to repeat his business name, and he refused. I asked him for his website. He asked "why" and I said because I wanted to make a formal complaint. He refused to give me his website address. In the end, I jut put the phone down, and let him talk to himself. I heard him becoming more and more abusive, until he hung-up.
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